Open-Source is open source code. The source code here refers to the existing source code of a software. So, people can see and use the source code in accordance with the existing license in the software.
For example GNU / Linux. GNU / Linux is open-source. You can tamper with the existing source code on the operating system. However, you are bound by the License in GNU / Linux. The license used is GPL (General Public License) with various versions.
Come to think of it, why create a software if the software can be copied and traced by others? Is not it useless?
Well, actually this open-source software does not teach you to do nothing. Here, open-source software is made to be utilized by everyone as a valuable human resource (HR) and to help each other. Think more deeply, how to make something free for the benefit of profitable (commercial purpose)?
Apparently there are many advantages that we can get with this open-source software. We take the GNU / Linux operating system as an example.
Of course we know, that the GNU / Linux operating system is on average free. However, there are also paid with additional features that are better than the free GNU / Linux feature. Well, this is one example of business using open-source software. We are like given a sample of free cakes with a delicious taste. But, if we buy a paying cake (his name also buy ^^), the cake seller must give a better flavor to the cake. So, do not we take advantage of the open-source software?
In a way, we use human resources with high value. So, is not using this open-source software that teaches us to do better and be more creative in dealing with a business? Many right, the advantage of open-source software?
Licenses that are less binding and also free of piracy and intellectual property infringement (IPR) are also very noble from the creation of an open-source software.
In conclusion, open-source software does not teach you to be a bad person. However, you are taught to be a more creative person in using open source software as a human resource that is truly priceless. So, do you still think that open-source software teaches you to do bad?
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